Presented by Dashboard, Curated by Susanne Slavick | Local additions curated + commissioned by Dashboard
Marcia Wood Gallery and Annex - Atlanta, GA
April 28 - May 20, 2017
Photos by David W. Batterman
42 artists respondED to issues surrounding
domestic gun violence.
UNLOADED was a multimedia group show that explores historical and social issues surrounding the availability, use, and impact of guns in our culture. The artists touched upon issues surrounding access to and use of firearms such as age, gender, race, mental health, political affiliations, and philosophical stances. The purpose of UNLOADED was to provoke dialogue surrounding domestic gun violence, both locally and nationally.
UNLOADED opened the same weekend that the National Rifle Association held its annual conference in Atlanta, bringing 80,000 people to downtown just a mile away from the location of the show.
Profile in ArtsATL
Profile on City Lights
Preview in Creative Loafing
Review Atlanta Journal Constitution
Mary Engel
Lonnie Holley
"We need to communicate as openly and with as much patience for each other as possible . . . and in some cases here with Unloaded, clever artists and creative levity can hopefully break down some walls and make those conversations more accessible."
-- Courtney Hammond, Dashboard Creative Director
"I’m interested in creating a space that allows the nuance of gun use to be explored rather than letting the staunch anti/pro rhetoric heard within political parties and mainstream media be the conversation. The #BlackLivesMatter movement is the biggest issue facing this country and gun use. Also, the fact that Congress prohibits the CDC from treating gun violence as a public health crisis is very telling to me about the power of lobbyists."
-- Beth Malone, Dashboard Executive Director
Carl Janes
Jason Kofke
Jason Kofke (detail)
Traveling portion of the show, curated by Susanne Slavick:
Lauren F. Adams, Natalie Baxter, Nina Berman, Joshua Bienko, Casey Li Brander, Anthony Cervino, Mel Chin, Cathy Colman, Dadpranks, James Duesing, Jessica Fenlon, Vanessa German, Jinshan, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Laura Karetzky, Jennifer Meridian, Adrian Piper, Don Porcella, Devan Shimoyama, Susanne Slavick, Renee Stout and Stephanie Syjuco.
Local portion of the show, curated by Dashboard:
Paul Stephen Benjamin, Mary Engel, Brandon English, Nancy Floyd, Paper Frank, Lonnie Holley, Carl Janes, Jason Kofke, Joe Peragine, and Jim White.
On 5/10/17, Dashboard hosted a contemporary blacksmithing demonstration and performance by Corrina Sephora at Marcia Wood Gallery. During the demonstration, Corrina transformed a gun into a garden tool using contemporary blacksmithing practices, allowing the audience to interact and assist as "stikers" in the process.
Artist Statement: "This act illustrates the old saying 'swords into plough shares' by transforming 'guns into garden tools'. This transformation is an act of creativity from a tool of death and destruction. The creation and transformation of one tool (the gun) into another tool (the garden tool) through fire and forging. Using the four elements the blacksmith in ancient history was once considered a diviner, healer, judge and even a sorcerer, as well as one who made functional objects, sculptures, divination tools, and farming tools. This contemporary interactive performance and teaching session is statement of peace, creativity and community. The interactive work allows people to put their life force, energy or NYAMA into this transformational forging experience.”
--Corrina Sephora
see her work at http://corrinasephora.com/
Film Screening by Carl Janes
On 5/17/17, Dashboard hosted a public party to celebrate the 4 week run of "Unloaded". The night included a building-size film screening by artist Carl Janes and electro-pop music by Atlanta musician, performance artist, and gunshot survivor Cousin Dan. It was lit.
Unloaded is supported by The Wish Foundation, Mailchimp, Possible Futures, City of Atlanta Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs, Power 2 give & Chunky Feets.